Price: Consult
Located in: BADAJOZ
Extension: 950 has.
Environment; Located in the region of the SIBERIA Extremeña.
Extension; 950 has
DESCRIPTION; The farm with 60% livestock and 40% of large and small game, has a gentle orography with good soil and very good oaks of good size and flight, At this time the property fattening about 800 sheep and 100 cows with their quotas .
The rest of the farm is scrubland with dense vegetation, finding in large game a large number of wild boar.
Within the property there are about 20 hectares of traditional ecological olive grove.
In the farm we find three own springs, and an expandable reservoir of about 5 has, in addition to a small stream that passes through a side of the farm.
The entire property is fenced with livestock mesh and barracks.
It has several buildings to rehabilitate, guard house, 2 ships and main farmhouse.
The light is very close to the property.
The price of the farm is € 6,000,000 highly negotiable + 3% in management and intermediation